Natural & Organic Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Natural & Organic Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Dandruff is an overgrowth of yeast fungus. A high sebum production provides good breeding for increased fungal growth and a scalp with dandruff typically has an increased production of sebum, whose purpose is to naturally grease and protect our skin so it does not dry out.
You can have greasy or dry dandruff. It may be due to a reduced immune system after illness, medicine intake or hormones.
It is important to create a good balance between moisture and cleansing and therefore, it may be a good idea to use organic dandruff shampoo to create a healthy scalp environment.
We do not recommend to dry out the scalp, but instead, give it treatment with No.97 Pure Treatment Oil as well as using organic anti dandruff shampoo, No.07 Deep Wood Shampoo to cleanse further, it is the best shampoo for dry scalp.
If it does not disappear, you should take a short treatment with a prescription drug from the pharmacy. But try only to use it in difficult cases and for a short time as it does not balance but only degrades the fungus.